duminică, 17 august 2008

Ce curcan sunt eu

5 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

nu stiu ce curcan esti tu..:)) dar oricum ai fi atunci cand folosesti o fotografie a altcuiva e bine sa ii ceri dreptul de folosinta! de acolo de unde-ai luat imaginea poti vedea si ceva despre copyright, care are tocmai aceasta datorie, de a apara drepturile mele de autor.

Anonim spunea...

Copyright-ul impus de tine si modul de publicare a fotografie pe flickr permit sa se faca legatura dintre blog-ul si poza ta de pe flickr. Da clik pe poza si vezi unde ajungi... vorbeste cu proprietarul paginii despre drepturile tale.

Anonim spunea...

anonim, asta si faceam..cui crezi ca-i e adresat textul de mai sus?
Aceea permisiune despre care vorbesti este data de catre mine, nu de catre flickr..Eu trebuie sa fiu intrebat daca autorizez ori nu publicarea fotografiei mele pe diverse bloguri. In marea parte a cazurilor am si dat ok-ul, dar mai intai trebuie sa fiu intrebat, nu luata fotografia doar asa...ca-i pe net!!!

Anonim spunea...

Tonica, uite ce zic cei de la Flickr:

"I've found my photos on someone else's website, what do I do?

There are a few ways that your photo might be displayed outside of Flickr, but still hosted here. Some of the ways include:

Tag search applications
Web-based games (often fun memory based programs)
Screen savers (displaying most recent uploads, or photos from Explore, etc.)
Desktop photo display widgets (like Apple's Dashboard or Yahoo! Widgets)
Through the Flickr API, it is possible to construct such websites and applications that query Flickr's publicly available photos via tags or user ID and build dynamic content that displays photos in interesting ways. If they are properly using the Flickr API and abiding by the requirements, the photo as seen on the page will link back to the photo page as it is found in your photostream and it will be for non-commercial use. The actual image itself is not hosted on that site, but the display will probably look different than what you are used to.

Some people are not comfortable with this, and we understand that. To that end, we allow our members to opt-out of applications that query Flickr's database using the API. Your photos will still be searchable on Flickr.com and you will still be able to use third party sites for your own stream if you give them permission via the authorization process. Separate from the API Opt-out, we offer the opportunity for members to hide the 'Blog This' button above your images. This will prevent people from using Flickr's integrated blogging feature found above a photo, though it is not a guarantee that your photo will not be blogged manually.

Note: There are a few instances where your image may be hosted on Flickr, but someone has just linked to the static image element and not through to your photostream itself. This is against the Flickr Community Guidelines. If you have questions about that, feel free to drop us a note via Help by Email."

Anonim spunea...

iacata ce scrie pe Flickr referitor la violarea drepturilor de autor. caz in care nu se regaseste cel care face acest blog:

"Copyright Infringement
If you see photos or videos that you’ve created in another member’s photostream, don't panic. This is probably just a misunderstanding and not malicious. A good first step is to contact them and politely ask them to remove it. If that doesn't work, please file a Notice of Infringement with the Yahoo! Copyright Team who will take it from there."